
How to show Legal Pages

Display your own Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

The easiest way to get started with Fider is with our official managed service Fider Cloud. Our managed hosting can save a substantial amount of developer time and resources. For most sites this ends up being the best value option and the revenue goes to funding the maintenance and further development of Fider. So you'll be supporting open source software and getting a great service! The section below is for self-hosting Fider on your server and managing your infrastructure.

Starting from Fider 0.13, it is now possible host custom Privacy Policy and Terms of Service that will be displayed to all users during the registration and sign in process.


You will need both documents written in a markdown format, they need to be named and

How to

Fider's Docker image expects both file to be available on /app/etc. You can copy these files anywhere you want on your server and share them with your Docker container by using volumes.

For example, if your files are inside /home/me/fider, you can map it to the container with -v /home/me/fider:/app/etc.